Παρούσης Άκης

Τηλέφωνο: +30 6976695869
E-mail: olympusguiding@gmail.com


Περιοχή: Κατερίνη
Τηλέφωνο: +30 6976695869
E-mail: olympusguiding@gmail.com
Website: www.olympus-guiding.gr
Ημερομηνία γέννησης: 12/1/1975


I come from Greece and always remember myself as a kid of the mountains…
Now, I am a Certified Mountain Guide HMGA, member of the Hellenic Mountain Guides Association (License number A.N 867/37, Nr 19 FEK (A)621-999/28-11-07) also a Mountaineering – Ski Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor, member of the Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering & Climbing (H.F.M.C).
My passion for the mountains led me in numerous hikes, ski tours, rock and ice climbs in Greece, in the Alps, in France, Switzerland, Italy and Bulgaria, with many new routes are under my signature.
The beautiful valleys at the foot of the Mount Olympus – Greece are my home, and the flanks above are the playground to follow my mountain love, may it be ice-climbing, ski touring, hiking or alpine climbing. For me it is the perfect terrain to train, play and guide.
I teach mountaineering, rock climbing and ski mountaineering in various Climbing Schools & Mountaineering Associations, and i spend a lot of winter time as a ski instructor. I love to share my passion with guests, and guide hikers, mountaineers, climbers and ski tourers in Greece and aboard, all year round.
I am married to Marisa and we have a daughter and two sons together.
I speak Greek, English and French.

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